Roots, Affixes, Context Clues Webquest

Greek & Latin Roots & Affixes

Context Clues

Webquest Tasks Page

7-3.1 Use context clues (for example, those that provide an example, a definition, a restatement, or a comparison/contrast) to generate the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words.

7-3.2 Analyze the meaning of words by using Greek and Latin roots and affixes within texts. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes

7-3.5 Spell new words using Greek and Latin roots and affixes. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes.)


__1. Navigate to   be sure to type the URL just as it appears in this prompt.


____2. Right click this link and open it in a new tab

  • Fill in the blanks on the notes templates provided on your answer document for the first 3 slides on the site.
  • Complete the rest of the slides on your own until you cannot press NEXT anymore. Take the practice seriously.

____3. Navigate to [open in a new tab] to define the following terms on your answer document:

  1. context
  2. generate
  3. unfamiliar